Many years ago I used to wake up to music slowly rising in volume from my BoomBox (something like the JVC Kaboom) as an alarm. You would select a song, set the time and a few minutes before your selected time, the music would start to play. First on the lowest volume setting and as it would continue to rise until you either hit snooze or play (as far as I remember) to keep the music going at a decent volume.
I loved it as there were many times I didn't feel like getting up but the music would get me going, singing along or just wanting to get up and dance. Yes, dancing the minute you wake is a good feeling on days you can.
Today Pandora released a radio station alarm clock update to their iOS app. Although the song chosen will be a random one and maybe not one I might want to listen to first thing in the morning, I'll be giving it a try. I however don't like the fact that I will have to leave my screen on overnight just to use it.
Hopefully I can go back to waking up to music in the morning again.