I am really impressed with the new Nintendo Wii U TVii especially the gamepad which is essentially a tablet device. The integration with an IR blaster is great for integration with non-wireless devices like a cable box (although these days you can link your box with an iOS app and change the channel). you can control your Tivo and interact with the content on the second screen as you watch it on the main screen. It will also be used when playing games.
Nintendo has always found a way to one up Microsoft and Sony in the console wars and I think they have hit an entertainment home run with this design and integration. In my Apple TV remote concept, I suggested that using another touch device as the main control for the TV would be easy and could potential enhance the experience.
For whatever reason, I have a feeling that Apple is thinking the same thing. In fact, I think it is one of the reasons they are releasing the smaller iPad. Easier to hold and could come with more integration with the future TV. There may even be a new Apple TV device in october when the new iPad is launched. Remember just yesterday I mentioned how they showed an image of people playing games on their TV using their iPods and AirPlay. Of course this is pure speculation, and the iPad with a few apps can pretty much act as a second screen while you watch your cable TV but imagine the integration that could come if when you AirPlay something from your device to the Apple TV you could still use that device to interact more with the pushed content like you can on the Wii U TVii?
Looking forward to using the new Nintendo console and seeing just how good their integration is and what this means for their competitors and the future of television interaction.