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I have been away from writing for quite a while mostly due to not having the time, but mainly due to making excuses. I am trying to make a comeback, hoping to get back to writing again and to be

As part of the comeback, I decided it was time for a small redesign and a move to Squarespace where I could focus more on writing and less on the back end where certain things weren’t working as expected. I had been a supporter of hosting your own blog but it seemed to be taking away from me writing more and more, especially when I was on a mobile device. I am hoping that with this change, those distractions will be eliminated. I will probably continue tweaking the design until I am completely happy with it, which could be never. 

As part of the move to squarespace, I couldn’t easily import all my previous posts, especially the link posts. I decided against entering all those posts individually and instead just transferred over the long form writing that I hope to build upon going forward. 

Here’s to writing...